Senior economist, ICMU certified senior lecturer, senior practical expert in human resource management, senior human resource manager, former channel management trainer of Intel, hr director of top 500 European companies and lecturer of corporate university.I have worked in a famous fortune 500 foreign capital enterprise successively. has more than 16 years of experience in education, management and leadership. worked as a training manager, a senior manager of the department, a human resources manager and a director of human resources.
国际华语音乐联盟 是全球华语音乐工作者协作推广机构,由香港资深音乐人向雪怀于2008 年创立,目的在于团结及组织全球华语音乐工作者,维护全球华语音乐工作者的权益,促进华语 音乐同业间的合作和交流。同时国际华语音乐联盟创立了以全球华人音乐市场为定位,推动华语 音乐在全球普及发展的“国际华语金曲奖”。主席团成员